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City Self Reports to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for a Second Time


On December 22nd, the City of Blanco lost approximately 1.33 million gallons of treated water from its Wastewater Treatment Plant. The water ultimately flows across private property and into the Blanco River. This comes after a loss of approximately 1.1 million gallons on August 19th of this year. The City has “self-reported” both times to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The non-compliant discharge is the release of treated water into an unapproved area. The non-compliant release, both times, was the result of a mechanical issue. Kelly Kuenstler, Interim City Administrator, stated that the City is “taking definitive steps to prevent this from happening in the future. She added that “in addition to the self-reports, the City is also sending samples from the discharge to the TCEQ to verify the quality of the water.”

Click Here for the Press Release PDF
